

Hey friends!


We hope you had a wonderful weekend! We had a weekend full of cleaning and organizing. As I came across various boxes and bags, I noticed they could be handy for my organizing, but they were being occupied with junk instead. They were still helpful in keeping things out of the way, but they're not being used to their full potential. They really needed to be emptied and used for their actual purpose. 

Daily we can get filled up over and over with the wrong things. Sure it fits from the world's point of view, and we can get the day-to-day tasks done. We aren't operating in our whole purpose, though. We just hold clutter in our minds and hearts that keep us from walking in power and being filled with the Holy Spirit. The same goes for the church. We can sometimes get so consumed by events, buildings, having the best music, and biggest congregations that, of course, make it look like a well-functioning group. Are we asking for the Holy Spirit to consume the church first before everything else that can become clutter? Of course, those are all great things, but they become pretty useless to the mission if they're not being powered by the right source. When we have the power of the Holy Spirit, we are able to MOVE at our greatest potential. We are effective in all of the things we do when we are in tune with what the Holy Spirit calls us to do. We move where and when God wants, all for His Glory.  It's the only way that our overflow will bless others.

This week we invite you to pray that you and the church are being filled with the right things. We pray that the Holy Spirit would overflow in your life, ours, our Pastors' lives, and Movement Church. Will you join us? Let's not be a body of believers getting cluttered by what the world says matters; let's be filled and powered by the one that truly matters in us, The Holy Spirit!

We love you all! 

Jesse and Marissa


Pork Tenderloin w/ Sugar Snap Pea Salad


Quality Time with God