Faithful to the Command of Christ

Livestream Preview

We have been discussing seven habits that we should all adopt to be effective and fruitful followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Discovering what it means for us to be passionately committed to Christ. A life that is biblically measured, morally pure, emphasizing what it means for us to be good stewards helping us maintain healthy families, evangelical faithfulness to the command Christ gives us make disciples. We've been discussing how we should ultimately cultivate our hearts towards the heart of God. Why we should not meddle in the prerogatives of God by looking at others, and we look at how they live their lives and if they are far from Jesus we choose and we decide that salvation is too good for them and when we do that, we meddle in the prerogatives of God.

Deuteronomy says the secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to our children and us forever. The secret things belong to the Lord, and we have to stop meddling in the prerogatives of God.

We cannot aim our desires to share the gospel towards those that we think are already or think they are the elect stop meddling in the prerogatives of God.

We are attempting to discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness so that we can ultimately bear fruit. We want to be fruitful followers of Jesus, so what do we need to do first is to not forget the plight, never ignore the plight. What is the plight, you may ask? That those that are far from Jesus forfeit eternal life. Loved ones, friends, family, and people in our oikos, those who are far from him lose eternal life. John says this, "He who believes in the Son has eternal life he who does not obey the Son shall not see life." So if we're going to cultivate our hearts towards God's heart, if we're going to have the father's heart and we know that the father's heart is that none with perish second Peter says that men would perish and if we have the father's heart we will participate in the father's plan and that is to make disciples if we're going to cultivate our heart towards the father's nature we can never forget the plight that people who are far from Jesus will forfeit eternal life all right also we have to meditate on christ's suffering we have to meditate on the suffering of Christ to ultimately covering a multitude of sins so so what are we suggesting today we're suggesting that you not forget the plight and that you never forget that the sufficiency of Jesus christ covers a multitude of sins the sufficiency of his death on the cross and his resurrection covers a multitude of sins and if we don't forget the plight and we remember to meditate on crisis sufficiency of death and how his death covers a group of sin then we would have a heart that is bent towards those that are far from Jesus all right okay so as you think through this as you begin the day as you start the day off um the encouragement for this week the challenge for this week was that we would preferably ask God to um put us in a position to be a bridge builder for the sake of sharing the gospel that that is our prayer our prayer is that we would be very intentional and that God would show us the opportunities that he has placed in front of us to be bridge builders for the sake of others coming to know Jesus all right so in order to do that we have to take some practical steps towards having our heart bent towards the father's heart all right we have to have our heart turned towards the father's.

To find more ways to connect the culture to Christ, watch the whole Livestream embedded above or explore the articles linked below.




The Doctrine Of Christ