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Hey friends! We hope you had another awesome weekend. Can you believe we are entering July already?! This summer is flying by so quickly, and it makes me reflect on the many adventures summer brings. Recently I was thinking about the time I went floating on the river with friends. Being Texan, that's a must every summer. There is nothing like a day with no time crush, floating for about 4 hours in the cool water under the warm sun. That particular day I went with a group of about 15 people. We laughed, we sang, we enjoyed each other, and floated calmly around the river. It was one of those days that you could never forget.

Together we tied our floats to each other, making us stronger than the currents. Although, at one point, our cooler did flip over, and we lost some drinks and food. Other than that, no strong current was knocking us out or separating us. Once we got to the end of the river, we had to untie and start getting off. Well, once I was alone in my tube, the current was definitely stronger than me. It separated me from my group, and I floated down a little waterfall. I probably fell 3 feet down before crashing upside down on the rocks. The water there was extremely shallow, and I should have been fine to get up and just walk out, but unfortunately, I got a charlie horse in my leg. I was disoriented and overwhelmed and began to drown in that bit of water because I couldn't get up to get away from the water falling on me. I yelled as loud as I could, and finally, some friends came over and pulled me up and out of the water. It was terrifying, but thankfully I had friends there to pull me out. 

When we were listening to the message, I looked at Jesse and said, "Wow, our dark thoughts that consume us can be so much like a strong current." When we are in community, tied in with God and the church, we are so much stronger. It's harder to be pulled into our dark thoughts when in constant connection with God. His love for us is relentless! Look at how easy it was for me to not only drift away but also become endangered when I was disconnected. Our thoughts have that power as well to endanger us when we are alone in our heads. They will consume us and direct our path if we let them. Our thoughts could either keep us on a path connected to God, or we could be swayed by the current of the world - into isolation and hurt by the thoughts the world gives priority to. 

Pastor Dre asked, "Are you excited about the direction your thoughts are taking you?". So, are you able to identify what's been on your mind the most lately? What is the stronghold that is leading you? Has the pandemic caused you to be isolated and float away? You're not alone. So many of us are floating the same way you are. Now it's up to us to call out for help and get reconnected. It's up to us to take the first step towards redirecting our thoughts. Will you pray with us for God to cleanse our thoughts and reconnect us?

We will be praying for yall! 

We love you all!

Jesse and Marissa

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