Message Recap


EXODUS 14:10-16:

“10 As Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians, marching after them. They were terrified and cried out to the Lord. 11 They said to Moses, “Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? 12 Didn’t we say to you in Egypt, ‘Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians’? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!”

13 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

15 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. 16 Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.”

You can several things clearly in the text:

I. The Enemy Draws Near
a. They were very afraid: It made sense for Israel to be afraid. According to all outward observation, Israel was in serious trouble with Pharaoh's armies on one side and the Red Sea on the other. They seemed to have no chance to escape.

i. God led Israel right into a cul-de-sac. There was no way of escape except the way they had come in, and the Egyptian army had that path covered.

ii. We sometimes think that Satan will let us go easily, or we think that once we leave his kingdom he forgets about us. Yet just like Pharaoh after Israel, Satan pursues us, attempting to keep us at least on the fringes of his domain and hoping to destroy us if he can.

b. The children of Israel cried out to the Lord: This was a good thing to do. When we find ourselves in dangerous places with no easy escape, we must cry out to God, because God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1).

i. We always call on the lord when we get terrified

CONCLUSION: Pray for deliverance
Know when to pray!
Know how to pray!

c. Then they said to Moses: Their fear could be understood and their cry to the Lord made sense. Yet their words to Moses show a great lack of faith and loss of confidence in God. No reasonable mind could really think that Moses planned all this to lead the people of Israel to their death in the wilderness.

i. They thought they could read the mind and heart of Moses. We are often wrong and always on dangerous ground when we claim we can read the intentions of other's hearts. Moses said nothing or did nothing that would support such a conspiracy theory, but the children of Israel still thought this way.

ii. They gave themselves up for lost (How inexcusable was their distrust)

CONCLUSION: Don’t look to man for deliverance
Don’t give up on your prayer
Don’t look to man to answer your prayer

d. Let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians: The children of Israel were not yet a week out of Egypt and they were already distorting the past, thinking that it was better for them in Egypt than it really was.

i. We are stuck living in our present situations, enslaved mentally and physically, wanting to be left in our situations…..WE ARE STUCK!

ii. You can’t see the blessings that God has in store for you because you are looking at the present situation that is before you……

iii. The Jezebel spirit has enslaved your cognitive thoughts…….

iv. You serve exactly what has you bound and that which is trying to kill you

II. These are the Instructions for deliverance

(13-14) Moses responds with great courage.

And Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace."

a. Do not be afraid: At this point, Moses could have no idea how God would come through in the situation. All he knew was God certainly would come through. In a sense, Moses knew he was in such a bad situation that God had to come through.

i. Trust in the Lord, The Great I am, to deliver you from evil. From evil situations

ii. When we see that our only help is God, we are more likely to trust Him. Sometimes it is the little things - the things we think we can do in our own strength - that get us down, not the big things that we know only God can do.

b. Stand still: Moses told the people of Israel to stop. This is often the Lord's direction to the believer in a time of crisis. Despair will cast you down, keeping you from standing. Fear will tell you to retreat. Impatience will tell you to do something now. Presumption will tell you to jump into the Red Sea before it is parted. But as God told Israel He often tells us to simply stand still as He reveals His plan.

Wait for your Orders – Military example.

CONCLUSION: Wait on deliverance
Trust for deliverance
Stand firm for deliverance

c. See the salvation of the Lord: Moses didn't know what God would do. Yet he knew what the result would be. He knew that God would save His people and that the enemies of the Lord would be destroyed. He could say to Israel, "the Lord will fight for you."

d. You shall see them no more forever: The idea behind this implies much more than at first look. Moses perhaps spoke in terms of eternity as well as their present time.

B. God leads Israel across the Red Sea.

God's instructions to Moses: stop praying and start doing.

a. Why do you cry to Me? Before the people, Moses was full of faith. But before God, he cried out in desperate prayer. This was good because Moses had to show confidence before the nation to encourage their faith.

b. Why do you cry to Me? There is a time to pray, and a time to act. It can actually be against God's will to stop doing and to only pray in a particular situation.

i. This is especially true when our prayer is not made unto God alone. Sometimes we pray out of the wrong motives and sometimes we pray to inform others who listen. We can use a call to prayer to actually control a situation or we can pray to avoid action or buy time.

ii. I f I could use speculative theology …..God said, what are you crying for?

c. Move forward! The orders were given.
i. We must move forward in obedience if we are to receive our deliverance and blessing. It doesn’t matter what you may think is in front of you it doesn’t matter what you think is

c. Lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand: These were simple instructions that resulted in a mighty miracle. In the same manner, the greatest miracle of salvation happens with simple actions on our part

But, lift up your staff and stretch out
A primitive root; to be high actively to rise or raise (in various applications, literally or figuratively)
From H5186; a branch (as extending); figuratively a tribe
A primitive root; to stretch or spread out; by implication to bend away (including moral deflection); used in a great variety of applications: deliver, extend, go down


Room Mat-teh Naw-taw-raise the tribe through deliverance. God wants to deliver his people from there enemies. If you are faced with……

Story of man on the deserted island

Leave situations behind
Trust in God
Give up something
Release something
Receive your commission
Line yourself up for your deliverance
Break relationships

The children of Israel were stuck, they were helplessly stuck and bound. As they looked all around the, they had nowhere to go. No help to either side……With obstacles in the front and the enemy in the back of them, they could only look up to which cometh there help.

If you are stuck and are in need of deliverance, you can do what the Israelites did and break the relationships that are holding you in bondage. Where have and where are you looking?

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