Message Recap

We regularly attend church, know the hymns by heart, and teach our children about Jesus. We are doing the right things. So why do we feel so empty? Although Jesus promised His followers abundant life, many Christians struggle with a lack of purpose, fulfillment, and fruitfulness. Underneath all of their Christian activity, they feel cold and disappointed. This week Pastor Dre Burgs invites you to join the partners of Movement Church. He presents an approach to being effective by aligning oneself to what we call the seven habits of fruitful Jesus followers!

These seven habits are practical barometers of our spiritual health and a guide for our progress as followers of Jesus. These seven habits set a goal for ourselves as we strive to be more like Christ and live the Christ-style lifestyle. As you discover what a passionate commitment to Christ looks like, you will be reminded that all who follow Him were to take up their 'cross' each day and follow him. We must first say no to ourselves—not merely to pleasures or possessions. This language was intended to be obeyed—not just remembered! A Passionate Commitment to Christ will encourage you to understand God's mission for your life by questioning the stuff the society influences you to hold dear. Revive your passionate commitment to Christ this week.

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