Repetition Ladder


This 100-20-100 reps for time workout is designed to be done as fast as possible. You’ll be starting off with 100 double-unders, or 200 single skips, then working through various reps of strength exercises from 80 down to 20 before working your way back up again and finishing with another 100 double-unders or 200 single skips. Let’s do it!

How To Do This Workout

Alright, let’s get into this! There’s nothing complicated about this one, it’s one big set you’ll complete from start to finish just once. Kick things off with 100 double-unders (or 200 single skips if you can’t do double-unders), then work through the reps of the rest of the exercises before finishing off with another set of skipping.

Here’s how it looks:
100 Double-Unders (or 200 single skips)
80 Mountain Climbers
60 Kettlebell Deadlift High Pulls
40 Burpee to Box Jumps
20 Thrusters (Dumbbell or Barbell)
40 Renegade Rows
60 Sit Ups
80 Jumping Lunges
100 Double-Unders (or 200 single skips)

That's it, just climb the ladder! If you complete this workout, post a picture and tag us using #MovementNation so we can share it! Additionally, click the buttons below to join a workout group and move with your Movement Family!

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