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A Different Posture

Hey friends,


It's a new day and a new week! As hard as Mondays are to get up on, they feel good when you consider them a fresh start. This week I told myself I'm going to set myself up for a good week. I can't control what will be thrown at me, but I can definitely control how I prepare myself and my posture when I react. So this Monday morning, I threw on some clothes, did my hair, and made myself an extra-strong coffee! Clearly, my intentions show because my coworkers have told me they see something different today. It really gives you a pep in your step. 


Pastor Dre says, "If it's big enough for you to worry about, it's big enough for you to pray about." We have to be proactive when we encounter hardships. When we have problems at school when we argue with our parents, siblings, or friends, we have tough decisions to make. We have to pray about it. When we pray about it, we have to declare that we have a testimony ahead in this situation.


So, instead of saying, "I already know this week is going to be crazy because of deadlines, projects, after school engagements, and so much more," I'm going to say, "I prayed that I would have a great week and that God would help me have time management skills. I will not allow anything to take my peace!". Let's put our faith to the test this week! Let's declare together success at school, at home, and with friends! Will the people around you also notice the difference in your perspective?


We are praying that God would guide you and direct your posture this week instead of anxiety taking the lead.


We love you!

Jesse and Marissa

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