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Life Vest

Hey friends!

August is right around the corner! Doesn't it feel like we were just stuck in March 2020? So many things were put on pause in life, and suddenly I feel like we are racing to catch up. Does anyone else feel like that? Do you ever get that weird feeling in your stomach like there's something you should be doing? You know, that random anxious feeling that creeps up at 2am... and then again in the middle of your day.

I often begin to worry over little things that I shouldn't stress about or things that are out of my control, things that I said I would turn over to God. I tend to worry about situations and how I wish they would have played out. I get so consumed by all these what-ifs that I forget to be present in the now. Pastor Dre reminds us that we need to take captive every destructive thought, and dwelling on things out of my control can be so destructive! I forget that God is God, and I am not. Pastor Dre shared a scripture with us that says, "14-16 Now that we know what we have—Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God—let’s not let it slip through our fingers. We don’t have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He’s been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin. So let’s walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help.". 

We have Jesus! Would you try scooping the water out of your sinking ship or take the life vest and know that you'll survive? Take the life vest, of course! How silly to think we could do anything to stop a sinking ship. That's what we do when we worry and try to fix everything on our own. We worry and plan and make our moves instead of looking to Jesus for comfort and help. He already knows what we are going through and will go through. He's always known and still decided we are worthy of the time, grace, and mercy. 

This week take some time to create space, as Pastor Shawn has suggested starting with 3 minutes.  Identify the thoughts that you need to take captive. It's ok if you get distracted for a moment; just try again. As you are doing this, ask and wait to hear from God. Ask for help. Ask for peace. He's ready and willing. Isn't that a relief?! Tell us how your time went. Was it hard, easy, impossible? We want to know and will be praying for your time. Let's reach for the life vest, reach for Jesus, and let Him steer our direction rather than our worries. 

We love you!

Jesse and Marissa

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