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Safe Space

Hey, y'all!

How was everyone’s weekend? Ours was amazing because we had our first Students Meetup since the pandemic started! We truly enjoyed spending a bit of our Saturday with the students. The next meetup can't come soon enough! 

While listening to Pastor Dre and Pastor Shawn talk, I truly felt motivated by what they said. Pastor Dre said something that stood out, which was "Movement, I want you to create a space where people can believe but still have questions.". That's it! That's exactly what we have been praying that our Students group would be. A space where you can have doubt and unbelief and questions without being judged or chastised. We pray that organic conversation would happen and then that we could all walk in this together as we figure it out. 

Pastor Shawn also came to a realization that clicked with me as well. We have to respond with the gospel and the text and not just our personal conviction of what the gospel is to us. Let's love people from what the Bible says. Jesus sat down with sinners, liars, thieves, and prostitutes. He loved them, broke bread, shared words but never belittled them in hopes of making them accept God. He just loved them. Let's take note and be mindful of how we respond as we create these spaces for others to ask questions. 

This week's message was such a great reminder that people can believe and struggle with doubt. We all can be in that position! Do you have some unbelief? How would you want someone to respond to your doubts? What does a safe space look like for you? We can't wait to continue the conversation over on Instagram and at our next meetup! 

We pray we see you soon! 

We love you!

Jesse and Marissa

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