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The Benefits of Power

Movement Live Notes

What is the benefit of knowing purpose? That is the question. Purpose gives confidence. It assures us that we're doing the right thing. When you know your purpose, it ensures confidence. If you ever want to see an individual who lacks confidence, I guarantee you that person does not understand their purpose. We watch it all the time at every basketball game we go to. We watch it at every level. Every time a child doesn't understand their purpose in the play, they lack confidence on the court. If they don't understand what type of defense they’re in, guess what? They're going to lack confidence. So, it's important that you do what with that child – educate them. It's important that the child gets the knowledge. It's also important that the child get the experience. You've got to give a child the opportunity to gain the education, build their IQ and knowledge, and then give them some experience. Every time they mess up, you can't pull them out of the game. They’ve got to learn through experience. I messed up a whole lot of sermons when I started preaching, but I had to get the experience. My dad used to say, “Son, there are two things you cannot have simultaneously: wisdom and youth.”  He would say, “You’ve got to have some experience.” And I would say, “But dad, I got the education. I’ve already graduated. I’ve got my Bible College degree. I know what the Bible says.” My father used to sit there and laugh at me. I used to be so angry with him, but guess what? Daddy was right. He was right. I couldn’t understand or appreciate the lesson because I had not yet gained experience. Now that I have the experience, the knowledge, and the education, there is a confidence that I carry. Why? Because I am in relentless pursuit of my purpose. Again, purpose gives confidence. Brother, if you are watching this Movement LIVE today and you are lacking confidence in your relationships; if you are lacking confidence with your friends, if you're lacking confidence with your family, guess what? It's probably because you don't understand your purpose in the relationship. You don't understand your purpose in the family. If you t are lacking confidence as a follower of Jesus, it's because you don't understand your purpose and His plan. Even though you can't see purpose because it isn't visible, you can still have purpose, and you can still have purpose-driven confidence. Confidence isn’t visible, either, but you can always tell when a person has it. Confidence is the result of us understanding our purpose. Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many plans are in a man’s heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand.” God's purposes will prevail. Listen, your life can change, brother and sister. “Commit your works to the Lord, and He shall establish them. The Lord has made everything for [c]its own purpose” (Proverbs 16:3). Your purpose is to commit your works unto the Lord so that He can establish your plan. God can establish and change your life in just a word. When He speaks, all things must obey. So, brothers and sisters, commit your works unto the Lord so that your plans and your purpose can be established. Do this, friends, and allow the Holy Spirit to show you that the benefit of that is God-given, purpose-driven confidence.

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