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Understanding Purpose

Movement Live Notes

What is your prayer life like this morning? How much have you prayed this, this, this week? How much have you prayed this morning? How much have you prayed this year? Little prayer, little power, no prayer, no power, much prayer, much power. We have to increase our prayer life. Why? Because power, as we've said, propels us towards our destiny, and the text says, and you shall receive power. When the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be my witnesses. That's the purpose. Power propels us towards a purpose. This wasn't even what I would talk about this morning, but the spirit is propelling. The power is propelling us towards His purpose.

The power of God is propelling us towards our purpose. And it is not until the purpose is discovered. That existence begins to have meaning. You see, the Tahoe without power has no meaning. It is an empty tin can, listen, our phones without a charged battery a paperweight. It needs a battery. It needs power. Listen, I don't know about you, but there have been some times in my life, in this year where I've run out of power on my cell phone, there was nothing I could do. As bad as I wanted to call you as bad as I wanted to call my loved ones, I wanted to call family. All I'm saying is, purpose and power propel us towards God's intended plan. And when the purpose is discovered, our existence has meaning. And the only way you're going to be able to live life to the fullest is to discover your purpose.

Ask the questions, why am I here? What was going on in the mind of God? When He allowed my daddy to impregnate my mom, what was going on in his mind? Life has no meaning without purpose. It is when our life finds a purpose that we end up finding fulfillment. Somebody talk back to me, see life or success without fulfillment is misery. Often in many of our lives, you get a new house, but there is no fulfillment. You get a new job, but there is no fulfillment. You get the new car, but there is no fulfillment, and humans all want to be successful.

Proverbs chapter 16, verse number four, pastor Shawn says this. The Lord has made everything. The Lord Proverbs chapter 16, Proverbs chapter 16, verse number four. The Lord has made everything. Everything for its own purpose. My purpose is not your purpose, and your purpose is not my purpose. The Bible decrees, and it declares in Proverbs 16, verse number four, that the Lord has made me for my own purpose.

Sir, he's made you for your own purpose. The Bible says in Jeremiah, one chapter, a verse, number five, that God knew Jeremiah. It says that before I formed you, I knew you. Hmm. The word knew is literally intimacy. We've got to discover our own purposes, but watch this before we can discover what our own purpose is, we've got to understand what the purpose is? What is the purpose? What is the purpose? The purpose is what purpose does? The purpose is the original intent for the creation of a thing. You see, you know that the cameras are working. Why? Because you can see you, that's right. You know that the Mac book is working. You can see me, you know, that this microphone is working because you can hear me, you know, that these glasses are working. After all, I can read the paper in front of me, you know, the purpose of a thing when it is being used to create a said thing. Yes! The purpose is the original intent for creating. I think it is the reason for my existence. It's the reason for your existence purpose is the ends for which the means exist. The purpose is the means for which are the ends for which the means exist. In other words, I'm doing what I'm doing. Why not for your pleasure, but for my purpose.

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