What’s Next?

Livestream Preview

2020 was Unprecedented. From the Australian Bush Fires to COVID-19 to a historical presidential election and a tectonic economic shift with companies like Amazon, Apple, and Tesla having their valuations shatter records left and right. Nothing has come out the way we would have expected and that leaves us wondering… “What’s Next?”. Maybe we should not say “2021 is my year” maybe we should say, 2021 is God’s year.

Many of us this time last year possibly forgot to include Loving God and Others in our New Years resolutions, we were too focused on the new job, the new car, the new house, the “better life” when we have not been focused on making disciples and bettering the lives of others.

2020 has shown us just how much we do not know. The fact that, we do not know when the night is going to fall, yet, it has also reminded us that the night does not change the mission, that the commission itself remains the same. To GO and MAKE DISCIPLES.

Four years ago, we began to build as we started to challenge the definition of Church by taking a more traditional approach. The Church is not a building but a people and Today we say “Church has left the building”. Four Years ago, no one had the slightest idea that COVID-19 was going to be the game changer. Yet, God put a vision in our hearts to mobilize the church in a radical new way for such a time and season as this.

In January and February, and throughout the rest of this year and into 2021, what has gotten us through as a community is God’s love expressed to each of us through each other. In fact, we go as far to say, if you have struggled it may not be that you are far from God, but that you are far from his people. This is why we do meetups and this is why we make sure to gather together in our Houston and Nashville Hubs, and soon, our Charlotte and Washington DC Hubs as well. We go live every single Sunday morning, we have hundreds of resources ready for you to use for your own growth here on MovementChurch.tv in Movement Media.

So for 2021, we commission you as your Pastors & Leadership Team to be a united Church in multiple cities and marketplaces that passionately pursues and loves God through loving people. That we would continue to meet together regularly and move forward with the vision Christ continues to give us.


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