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A Servant Leader’s Heart

Movement Live Notes

We believe that Jesus is the greatest example and model of servant leadership. As followers of Jesus, we ought to strive to have a heart like His. We ought to strive to have the Father’s heart. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything that you do flows from it.” What flows from your heart will guide you. If the heart is not guarded, then the things that flow from it will not align with the Will of God. This is why it is important to lead from the right heart. 

We find that those in leadership are capable of leading in multiple ways. Today, let's talk about the difference between responsibility-based leadership and rewards-based leadership. Responsibility-based leadership is when one wants to serve and care for the people they lead. Many times, we do not see a desire to serve and care for people from our leaders. This happens in standard office settings, law enforcement, and the church. Often in the church, we see that people can't carry responsibility because they want a reward, just like some police officers. You have people in the church who are doing the exact same thing that many police officers are doing because of their hearts.  Remember, we're talking about the heart of an individual. If we have the heart of the Father, and if we are guarding our hearts, everything that we do flows from it. Many times, want to ridicule ruthless and Godless police officers for the abuse that they perform to communities; however, the church often does the exact same thing. We do not want to lead or be the people of God and actually serve and care for others. We just want to be rewarded. We want perks, and we want the power of leading people. We want to lead in the church, and we want titles. But yet we only want the perks and the power of leading. We don't want to serve and care for the people. That flows from the heart, brothers and sisters. We wear responsibility like a mask. We only want to be responsible so that we can have perks and power, but we're really not actually being responsible; we're actually only owning a role so that we can be rewarded. 

Friends, what would happen if we had Christian body cams? What would that look like? If we, as believers, had body cams? We are responsible as followers of the Lord, Jesus Christ, to have the Father's heart and serve and care for people. So, what would it actually look like if we had body cams that outed us for our lack of serving and caring for people? Are we only serving to be seen? Do we only turn it on when someone is around to witness just how good a job we have done? Do we WANT to serve and care for people, even when no one is watching? Family and friends, when you bend down to serve, God will lift you up to lead. 

Bend down in servitude, and God will lift you up in leadership. This is what we are imploring you to do. Let’s have the heart of the Father, the heart of Jesus who did come to be served. He came to serve. We have to understand that it is responsibility-based leadership and not reward-based. When you bend down to serve, God lifts you up to lead. 

Jesus set aside His incommunicable attributes, not to be served, but to serve. Not only did He do that, but He also gave His life as a ransom for us. Are you willing to give your life in servitude and participation in the Father's plan and the Father's heart? 

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