Jasmin LaFond

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My name is Jasmin" Jae" Lafond. I am a 20 plus years old Houston Native who loves to skate, write poetry, and be around great people. I attended the best college globally, Prairie View A&M University, before I decided to follow my heart and become a Hairstylist. On the road to becoming a hairstylist, I had to deal with many bumps in the road and was often distracted by what others wanted for me AND from me. I then attended "Ogle Hair Skin and Nails," the start of my cosmetology career. I can not lie. Going to cosmetology school was the best decision I have ever made for myself. Along the way, I found myself desiring a way to authentically express myself creatively, personally, and spiritually.

I finished in eight months after graduation went to work with a family friend at her salon. There I barely had any clients, so every day, I passed out cards working another job to pay booth rent till I could afford to pay even though it was 50 dollars a week, but 50 dollars adds up quick. Shortly after that, I was assisting another stylist, which did not last long. It was about 6 months since I helped with that stylist. I finally decided to try working at a barbershop. I was there for a good year before deciding that I wanted to be in my own space. My clientele was growing, and I wanted to be comfortable, and by then, the shop owner was showing his colors and could not deal with it. So, boom! I finally got my salon suite to set the mood and not let others' moods set the tone, and my clients loved it.

So now 2021, I am successful in the cosmetology field, still building and evolving. There were many small steps and some enormous leaps of faith that supported my journey. My willingness to be 'Jae,' flawed and fabulous yet walking in faith, brought me to this day. JaeStylez is my hair business; it was birthed in 2016 during cosmetology school. Looking back at where I started, It is a blessing to still do something I love to do. I believe it is a special gift that God has given me; making sure people look and feel beautiful and just being around and servicing others. (1 Peter 4:10)

Following JaeStylez, I also have my cosmetic line "Marilyn Jae Cosmetics," named after my late Grandmother Marilyn Joyce White. She was my best friend, and I wanted her legacy to live on and help others along the way. I want women to be confident and know that they are a beautiful tressure, beautiful, and worthy. It's more than just cosmetics when it comes to Marilyn Jae; it's womanhood, power, poise, strength, and loving others. (Matthew 22:36-40) Since I had those two going, I later decided that I wanted to come out with a haircare line which only made sense, and I named it "The Lox Box," everything that your hair craves. It's still a baby but doing well. As with all things, I just have to be patient with this one. (Phi 4:6) I am all about healthy hair, skin, mind, and heart. My faith in God keeps it all together. It plays an important part in my story, and I hope to reach more individuals.

How to interact with Jasmin.

Instagram: JaeStylez

Facebook: JaeRashawn

Website: www.IamJaeStylez.com


He Came to Serve


A Servant Leader’s Heart