He Came to Serve


I hope you had a great weekend! I love what Pastor said on Sunday's video and the question he posed. What would happen if Christians wore body cams? Whoa! It made me flashback to all the days this week, wondering what would be said of me. What would God think as he reviewed the tape? Would He say, "Well done my good and faithful servant," or would He be watching us be lazy, scroll endlessly, and be selfish? 

God has called us to be servant leaders. Just like it hurts us to see entitled Cops with a badge, we cannot be entitled people because we bear the badge of "Christian." We are called to serve, give, love, and be a light. When is the last time you asked God to break your heart for what breaks His? Pastor Dre shared with us that two things will stop us from being servant leaders: fear and pride. What is scaring you? How are you prideful? What holds you back on that body cam from doing the right thing? I know when I watch those body cam videos, I think, "How could you forget you're wearing a camera? How could you do those things when it's being caught on film?". Well, how could we be anything but giving when God is watching us, looking at us to be an extension of Him?

Pastor Shawn left us with a challenge for the week:  what's one specific way you can start serving others on a regular basis? How can you better serve someone around you regularly? Maybe you see a teacher or student struggling with their stuff often in the hall, and you can help them carry it. Maybe you can start the coffee in the morning for your parents or help your sibling put their stuff away. It doesn't have to be a huge task, but I know it will make a difference in someone's day to be loved on. We pray that you are able to serve someone this week just as Christ came to serve. We hope to hear all about it!


We love you! Jesse and Marissa


Core Circuit Workout


Jasmin LaFond