Horatio Brooks II


How is God moving in my life? Well, the answer to that question is simply through prayer, family, school, and track. I have always been an outgoing person in high school, especially during my first year. I always tried to be the center of attention at school, parties, and even track during my freshman year. Grades kept constantly slipping, and I wasn’t the best student overall. My faith was wavering, and my relationship with God wasn’t strong. I always doubted myself and blamed it on God.
I became more focused on my academics and track during my sophomore year, but I was still trying to be the center of attention in school and track. I was still going to events, and I wasn’t focusing on my grades, but not as bad as my first year of high school. Sophomore year was more about track and trying to improve in my academics as much as possible.
There was a point where I felt depressed, and what made it worse was my grandfather’s death. I wasn’t able to see my grandfather before he passed away, but I knew how much he loved me. I never really got to know him as much as I would like to, but I saw the impact he had on the Natchitoches, Louisiana community. His death impacted my family and me, and I believe God was giving us a trial. After seeing his casket one last time, I became closer to God through prayer and family. God and family are important to me. I realized life was short. My confidence grew more vigorous, I became happier, and I started doing things I never thought I would do. I prayed over my closest friends and family members; I started making intelligent and more assertive decisions that impact my future. It was then where I realized that God was developing me into the man he wants me to become.
I am now a junior; everything has changed: my grades, attitude, track, faith, and even my involvement in school. I am currently focusing on school and not going to many parties. My grades have been As and Bs. I am on the Student Council, representing my entire school. I am the captain of my track team. I have had personal best in track, also receiving the MVP award, and interest in colleges. My friends request me to pray for them. My junior year has been mature in high school so far, and I feel great.
God has always been there throughout my life, academics, track, and even relationships with family and friends. I am grateful for everything the Lord has done for me at the start of my journey, up and downs. I am now going into my last year of high school, and I am excited about what God has in store for my future, Jeremiah 29:11.


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