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Broken Connections

Movement Live Notes

This week, the truck's battery end was broken, which caused us to lose all power or vehicle. It wasn't that it wasn't connected. It was that the actual battery was damaged. And so today, family and friends, what I want to discuss just for a few moments is broken connections because it was in that moment that I realized that many times we are connected to the source, but we still don't have the power that we need simply because of a broken connection. We are connected, but we cannot see that some brokenness within the connection pre limits or prevents us from having the power needed to function appropriately. And so terminal ends were not the issue. It was the fact that or not the terminal, but the terminal ends, the actual battery post was the issue. 

Scripture says I know your deeds that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other. So because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold. I'm about to spit you out of my mouth Revelation, chapter three, verses 15 through 16, where there is no vision, ladies and gentlemen, people perish. And what I want to literally discuss and really layout is how our relationships with God or our relationship with God parishes. When we lack vision, when we lack proper connectivity, we have broken relationships when we don't realize that there is a broken connection with God. And when we do have a fractured relationship with God, we lack power. 

When we lack authenticity, we lack joy. We lack peace. We lack all of the things that we should have, that we should exude that come due to being filled with the Holy Spirit. We go after those things. And so where there is no vision, the people perish, and specifically I'm talking about today, we perish in relationship with God, where there is no clear, concise, and compelling vision with Him. In our relationship with God, where there is a broken connection with God, we perish. And that's what I realized this past week, the terminal was connected but broken underneath; it looked connected but lacked power, and that's what happens many times in the lives of Christians. Connected but fractured and operating with no power. 

God wants us to be growing. Your faith is growing more and more; our faith should be growing. This is what we discussed just a few weeks ago when we talked about not giving us hope, but because our hope is in the Lord. Don't show me hope, but Lord, increase my faith because I need to grow in my faith. If I grow in my relationship with God, my confidence should be growing more and more. But if our faith isn't growing, neither can our love for one another grow. 

Now watch this. The only way your faith can grow is if you have a proper connection with God, but for many of us, our relationship is broken. And that's the reason why we need to discuss and talk about broken connections. The text says I know your deeds that you are neither cold nor hot. And he wishes. I wish you were either one or the other. So because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold. I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 

That's a broken relationship. Anytime you spit something out of your mouth, that is a fractured relationship. That is a broken connection. If we drink coffee and decide to spit it out, we break up with the coffee. We are divorcing the coffee. We once want it to consume. Now we want to spew out. We want to vomit. We want to get rid of what we want to extrapolate. And so this is what the text is saying. So because you are neither hot or because you are rooting on me that nor cold, I am about to spit you out of my mouth—cold, cold. You do not know God yet, hot or cold. Cold is you do not know God. He who sent me is true. John chapter seven, verse number 28 and 29, says, He who sent me is true. You do not know God, but I know him because I am from Him. And he sent me, you do not know God, the word, no, God in the Hebrew is your dye. And it literally is a form of intimacy. You do not know God. That is a broken connection, broken connection, broken relationship. You do not know God. Hmm, 

But I know Him, Jesus says, Because I am from him. And he sent me, listen, we have to focus on not learning him, but we must focus on knowing him, not intellectually, but knowing him intimately again, the Hebrew word for no is not intellect. 

It's intimacy. 

To many of Jesus, followers want to know about God intellectually, but we failed to know about God, Intimately! 

We must know Him intimately, listen, if you want your plan or your life to develop, if you're going to continue to grow in the things of God, you've got to want to know God intimately. Let's create a plan for our lives. Let's put some things in place this week so that we can grow in the things of God so that we can glow grow in the knowledge of God. But the knowledge of God should lead us to intimacy with God. We should be intimate with God to the experience of God.

We're going to give you some things. We're going to even give you some essential questions that you can ask this week. As you asked yourself, is my connection with God broken. Is it broken? Is my relationship with God broken? Because if it is, you won't be able to start this week without malfunctioning. The way I couldn't start our vehicle.

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