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Dealing With Anxious Decisions

Movement Live Notes

Movement Nation! This week we discussed the many decisions we must make in life and how the pressure of those decisions can cause anxiety. Sometimes there can be a trickle effect where we find ourselves needing to decide about purpose in life. That decision leads us to pursue our purpose, then try to live out God's Will for our lives. Then we are faced with making continuous decisions to keep ourselves aligned with God's Will. Still, then we make a decision that causes us to be out of God's Will. 

Did any of that cause anxiety for anyone? That one question of "what if I miss a decision or make the wrong decision" can cause us to freeze, to be stagnant at the moment. Now that the anxiety of making decisions has caused us not to move, we have halted progress in purpose. Analysis has caused paralysis. So, how can we manage this? How can we first begin making decisions, pursue purpose based on those decisions, and live out God's Will? As followers of Jesus, we have to make our decisions based on what we feel will most glorify God in that moment. In other words, as we are making decisions, it is imperative that we develop a Christ-like heart. This is what helps us in making the right decisions.

Take a moment and ask yourself this question. Have I cultivated a Christ-like heart within myself? When it is time to make decisions, we need to keep it uncomplicated and ensure we have a Christ-like heart. We must also listen carefully to God’s Will. This can be done by studying and reading the Word. Let’s start with the commandments. We need to understand God’s instructions because they help us to live and act wisely. They help us to filter our decisions through the heart of God and allow us to follow His moral guidelines. 

Friends, this is how we make decisions that will be honoring to God. Everything that we do should glorify Him because the chief aim of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. These are the types of decisions that we should strive to make. We want to encourage you all that even when wrong decisions are made, God has a way of using them to His glory. Scripture tells us, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." So, friends, let's continue to cultivate a Christ-like heart and if we make a wrong decision, let's trust that God is faithful to His promises. He will work all things out for the good of those who love Him. We hope this message has been encouraging for you, and something has been said to bring about change for you. We love you all. 

Grace and Peace.

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