

Good morning y’all! 

Do y'all ever find yourselves struggling with a decision? It could be as simple as what shoes to wear to school. Do I wear the Adidas? The Nike's? The Red or the White ones? Then you finally pick them, but they don't match the rest of your outfit!! Now you gotta start all over. Indecisiveness, it sucks! Even with something like that, that was just in the morning. Now you have the rest of the day with even more decisions. Even a decision that's months or years out can cause you stress and anxiety. A lot of you are probably thinking about college. What college do you want to go to? What major you will choose. You wonder what city, can I qualify for a scholarship, or will I have to pay out of pocket. Or Do I even want to go to college?! All of these things can be highly stressful. It's stressing me out just thinking about it for y'all. 

What we've learned is that if we are pursuing our purpose, decisions become simple. Don't complicate things. I know easier said than done, but if we break it down to its simplest form, things genuinely become simple, making those decisions easier.

Personally, when Marissa and I get overwhelmed, it might feel easier to go with the flow blindly. It's much more time-consuming to stop, dissect a situation, and decide for ourselves. When we are in constant panic and anxiety, we often do flow blindly, which only keeps us in that dark place longer. We have to stop and evaluate how our decision will impact us and if it lines up with our values. What will help us grow and grow in Christ! 

This year as you are making decisions, consult God. Before you give of your time and talent, consult God. Before you overload yourself and turn your activities into idols, consult God. Let’s pray this week on where we should be investing ourselves. We also want you to consider Pastor Shawn’s question, "when was the last time you made a decision, and that decision went well?". Did you pray? Did you go with the flow? Did you plan? Think about it and how you got there as you prepare to make some more decisions at school.

We are praying with you and for you, friends! May your school year bear much fruit, and may all your classmates see a different glow about you as you walk in wisdom with Jesus!

We love you!

Jesse and Marissa


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Dealing With Anxious Decisions