Thanks In All Circumstances

Week 2 Guide

Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18 

Topic: Gratitude, Hardships, Faithfulness 

Big Idea of the Message: We are not to offer thanks to God only occasionally or only when great things are happening; instead, we are to give thanks in all 


Application Point: Even when we experience trials, we can give thanks for God’s presence, his understanding, and his comfort. 


1. What is one thing that stood out to you from this week’s message? 

2. What are ways you can move from thanksgiving to “thanksliving”? 

3. What is the difference between giving thanks for all circumstances and giving thanks in all circumstances? How does giving thanks in all situations transform your attitude and perspective? 

4. When you go through difficulty and hard times, how can you move your heart toward giving thanks in your trials and pain? 5. How has God been faithful to you during a very challenging season? 

6. How can I pray for you? 


OBEY: Think of someone in need of encouragement. Commit to lifting them up in some small (or big!) way this week. We all experience seasons of doubt. 

ABIDE IN: Read the scriptures from 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18 and pray daily. 

TRAIN: Join us weekly in the marketplace for Movement Meetups or online for Digital Meetups 

SHARE: “Who from your Oikos (relational network) will you share this Movement LIVE or share the gospel with this week?”

Movement Resources


Chicken Lettuce Wraps

