Understanding TMH’s Timing
Movement At Home Weekly Guide
Week 1
Text: Psalm 18:30; Proverbs 3:5-6; 1 Thessalonians 2:13
Topic: Waiting, Trusting, Patience
Big Idea of the Message: God enables you to live with a sense of His presence and guidance between the tick and the tock.
Application Point: When we question God's timing, it is often because we are looking for guidance or deliverance from a difficult situation. We can rest assured, however, that our heavenly Father knows exactly where we are in our lives at every moment.
Read The Scripture: In ______, the text says…
Tell The Message: Understanding TMH God’s Timing.
Retell the story together from this week’s message.
Read the story aloud from this week’s scripture.
Discover: Pray then use the following Bible Study method to discuss the message and reveal its meaning for our lives.
· What do we learn from the message about TMH (Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit)?
· What do we learn from the people in the message?
· Is there anything from the message TMH wants us to obey?
Practice Retelling the message
Explore More:
1. What is one thing that stood out to you from this week’s message?
2. What does it mean that God provides us with newness?
3. Pick a biblical teaching and practice explaining it in simple words that an eight-year-old could understand.
Obey: Confess your sins before the Lord. Turn from them and live a new life in Jesus.
Abide: Begin reading 2-4 chapters a day in Mark, and pray daily
Train: You need to train your disciples in this.
Share: If you don’t have a disciple, who from your oikos map will you share the message with this week?”