As We Wait

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Hey friends! Merry Christmas to you all!

Waiting is hard. Waiting for just about anything, really. Earlier this year, I (Marissa) was confirmed positive for Covid. It was early March, and there was no rapid testing. I endured the longest 9 days ever waiting for results. Thankfully though, I wasn't alone. Honestly, I couldn't have survived it alone. I was sick, I was anxious, I was afraid and so incredibly tired. I thank God my husband Jesse was there. He was caring for me from another room. Even when I didn't see him, he was working in the background to clean, disinfect, cook, and listen for my breathing. I got my positive results 9 days later. I let our friends and family know and prayed no one else got it who came in contact with me. While we continued to wait for me to get better, my husband encouraged me. He walked alongside me through every emotion, and we came out safe and healthy at the end of our quarantine.
God is very much like that. In the advent season, you might hear Emmanuel often, which means God with us. Through all of the waiting for Jesus to arrive, God is by our side. In the midst of it all, He is there. He's there when we can't see Him working in the background. As we wait, find comfort in the fact that He is by your side. Through whatever you may be waiting for, He is making all things work for the good of those who love Him!
We are praying that you feel Him and see Him - caring for you, fighting for you, and loving you while we wait.

Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Jesse and Marissa


Who is the Holy Spirit?


LOOK AHEAD: Episode 4