Lower Body


30 sec – Jog in place

30 sec – Lateral Shuffle

30 sec – Carioca

30 sec – Dynamic Quad Stretch

30 sec – Dynamic Hamstring Stretch

30 sec – Lateral Hip Openeres

30 sec – Hip Cradles

1:20 sec – World’s Greatest Stretch

Lower Body Burnout – 3 sets

30 sec forward lunge (right leg)

30 sec forward lunge isometric hold (right leg)

30 sec jump lunges

60 sec sumo squats

10 sec rest

30 sec forward lunge (left leg)

30 sec forward lunge isometric hold (left leg)

30 sec jump lunges

60 sec air squats

10 sec rest

60 sec glute raises

30 sec squat jumps

60 sec high knees

20 sec rest

If you complete this workout, post a picture and tag us @movmentchurch.tv using #MovementNation so we can share it! Additionally, click the buttons below to join a workout group and move with your Movement Family!

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