The Gospel According to XMEN


Hey, y'all!

This week's message is about a heavy subject on our hearts and in this country: racism! As soon as we heard it, X-Men popped into our heads. Yes, the old Saturday morning cartoon, X-men. They are a race of individuals who were discriminated against for not being the same as everyone else. They were grouped, branded, treated horribly, and even killed, simply because they weren't like everyone else. They weren't even treated with the same rights as everyone else despite their incredible power. They were looked at as menaces to society—a danger—and were not to be trusted. All of those things mirror today's climate, and sadly, it's the reality many people are living.

Although there isn't ever any final resolution in the X-men, they always found a way to rise above. Professor X always looked for peace, solution, and never wanted to respond with violence. He knows the humans will use that as a way to prove that they are dangerous and exactly what they said they were. Instead of using his great power to retaliate, he teaches compassion and love to overcome.

Just like in X-men, Jesus tells us the best thing we can do is love our neighbor and love them well! Despite the harshness of the world, we must love our neighbor! It's offensive to God, who pours His relentless and reckless love out to us daily, for us to judge others and treat them as less than for what they look like to you.

This week, ask God to help you see others through His eyes. Pray for opportunities to love the people around you better and gain knowledge about a different culture this week. When we slow down, get in tune with God, and act as His hands and feet, we will see that we are all more alike than we realize.

We are praying for each of your hearts and want you to know that we are here to chat! Use your power to love someone hard this week and start the change you desire in your community! See y'all on zoom this Sunday!


- Jesse and Marissa




How To Connect To Christ