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Chasing Bags

Hey friends!

I hope everyone had a good weekend. We had a 4 day weekend where we got to relax and enjoy our home. You know, there was a time when I didn't consider Houston to be my home. I was set on the dream of moving to New York. I would be working out there as a photographer, walking the streets of Times Square in my heels like I was in a movie, and meeting my future husband in a coffee shop. I was so obsessed that one day Pastor Dre had to shut it down for me. I vividly remember sitting in our office and him telling me enough was enough. He knew the direction I should be going according to God, and New York was not it. I was so hurt. I cried at my desk and wondered what God wanted for me. I realized I never asked God if I needed to go to New York. All I knew was that I wanted to chase that New York fast life bag and that I didn't even stop to ask God for guidance. Fast forward about a year, and I meet my very Texan husband, who, out of all the places we have traveled, hates New York the most, lol!

When I finally did ask God what He wants me to do with my time, I knew it was youth ministry here in Houston. He had it all set up for me at Movement, and I was willing to walk away for a dream that God wasn't a part of. Isn't that wild?! My husband turned out to be the support I always prayed for in youth ministry. The person that would carry the load with me in times of tears and triumph. I can't imagine turning away from this now for the idea I had before. I'm thankful I listened to Pastor Dre and Pastor Shawn rather than the ideas that culture had put in me. 

When we ignore the counsel of those above us with wisdom, we are setting ourselves up for failure. I can't imagine being in the wild Big Apple without the guidance of God and my Pastors. In Pastor Dre's words, "Do not leave what you need and what God has provided for something you want.". Is there something you know God has called you to, but you're too busy chasing a different bag, as Christian said? The bag that is for you is right in front of you. Even if you don't understand how that could possibly be, know that God is going to show up and put the pieces together for you. I pray this week you listen to God, listen to your spiritual mentors, listen to your Pastors, and know that the bag you need is the one He's offering and not the world.

With love, from Texas,

Jesse and Marissa

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