No Regrets

Hey friends!

Do you ever say no or miss something and later regret it when you see how good the turnout was? I've definitely had a few of those moments where I regretted not showing up. I can remember a time in particular where I was really trying to avoid going out.  I just didn't feel like going to this little get-together. I made up some excuse to not go and stayed in doing nothing. It was around my birthday, and a few hours later, I got a picture of a cake and a "wish you were here" text. I missed out on my own birthday celebration. That's what I get, I thought, for not showing up. I missed out on the blessing of good friends and cake. I felt awful, honestly. 

Last week we talked about giving thanks. I wonder if just the same way I didn't show up for the get-together, we all haven't been showing up to a place of thanksgiving. We haven't been stopping to say thank you before the blessing. Imagine if we had been showing up and not avoiding God. What would that surprise cake look like in our lives? What treats are you missing out on? This week we want you to consider, along with us, what’s standing in the way of you giving thanks? Are you just not showing up and making excuses? Are you actually too busy? Don’t end up with regret when you realize what God was trying to do in your life and when you realize the blessing that you missed out on. It seems like we are truly the ones getting in our own way.

I’m gonna be honest, TikTok is in my way. I think Jesse would say the same. I definitely spend more time scrolling than I do praying, worshipping, and thanking God. My goal this week is to now scroll before I've written down what I'm thankful for. I'm going to show up this week. I'm going to be thankful and watch God be God in my life. What's stopping you? Last week we challenged you to write down 5 things that you are grateful for daily. I guess we can start that if we can't even acknowledge what's stopping us from starting. Take a moment and discover what that might be. No regrets! We are praying for you and with you, and you continue to seek God and show up with a grateful heart. 


We love you!

Jesse and Marissa




Chicken Lettuce Wraps