The Time Is Now


Happy New Year friends!

We hope that this finds you well and in good health! 2021 has quickly brought us a lot to think about - from events at the Capitol, Kim and Ye's divorce, to the Covid vaccine. This first week has already blown our minds! Through all of it, though, one thing is consistent and true: God's word. 

This is the time, ladies and gents. This is our time to trust all that the word says. To trust that God is who He says He is. The world is drawing us out and away from God's word. If you don't have a solid rock to stand on, you will sway with the tiniest wind. That means if you're not sure of what the word says is the truth, it'll be easy to fall over into what the world says to be the truth for your life. 

The word tells us that God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son. He gave us the ability to be victors and not victims, as Pastor Dre said. He gave us hope, not fear. In all that you are doubting, questioning, wondering, grieving, seek, and listen to what God has to say about it before falling for what Instagram and TikTok have to say. We can't determine for you what is best for you and your family, but we do encourage you to see what God determines to be best for you. 

We hope in this new year, as you reset for the year, month, or week, you will include some time to listen to God and pour your heart out to Him daily. It's our own responsibility to grow our relationship and follow where He takes us. I know your heart is heavy. I know your mind is clouded. Trust Him. We are praying with you and for you!

Love Jesse and Marissa


30 Day Movement Fitness Challenge Week 2 Workouts


Caprese Zoodles