The Lord Pays Double


Hey friends!

We hope you're having a great week! I (Marissa) have a story I want to share with you.

A couple of years ago, I was hosting my friends for the weekend when they came down from New York. I was young, didn't manage my money well, and enjoyed spending it! I was flexing for them, taking them out to eat, driving anywhere and everywhere, having to use all my gas, and by the end of the week, I was running short on cash. I had a backup, don't worry! It was a bag of coins I had saved up, which had about $7 in it; not much, but it would get me the gas I needed to finish the weekend.

Well, I was driving to pick my friends up for the last time when I saw this homeless man on the side of the road. He looked at me and said that Jesus loved and saw me. I looked at my coins, then him, then back at my coins again... and then I drove off. Wow, rude, right?! All I could think about was how much I needed them, how I had been saving this for a while, and how I still wanted to do stuff with my friends. All of that ran through my head. As I turned left at the light, I decided to make a u-turn. I turned around because immediately after that I thought about how selfish I was being and knew that man needed the money more than I did. I went back to the same light and held out my little bag, and he told me, "God sees you and will pay you to double." Although I was ashamed, his words stuck with me. It took a minute, but I was glad I turned back. I tried not to worry about what I'd do for gas money and went on with my day.

Later that evening, I dropped my friends off and one of them put some cash in my hand. I tried to refuse, and they wouldn't let me. I looked down, and can you believe how much they handed me... $14! THE LORD PAID ME DOUBLE, Y'ALL! I was stoked! The excitement wasn't even about the money; it was the fact that I was obedient to the Lord, and He saw my intentions and no expectations. I decided to put loving His people first before myself and God provided. I was amazed!

I have so many more stories like that. Do they all end up with me and cash in hand? No! Most times, it's my faith that has doubled. When we are good stewards of our finances, time, money, attention, and energy to glorify God and help others, He comes through! It's not about waiting for a return, it's about being intentional for Him. It's about the beauty of God seeing the details in our lives and loving on us well when we love Him first. I could never flex for myself as hard as He can! Let's trust Him and watch the beautiful things he can do with our offerings of time, money, and faith.

This week, I invite you to open your heart and ears to God and ask, "where can I be a better steward in my life for His glory?". How can you honor God and help others? What is something your family can plan now for the holidays to glorify God and help others? Let's brainstorm and leave your comment on Instagram. We honestly can't wait to hear about the amazing things God is doing in you and through you!

We are praying for you all,

Jess and Marissa


Italian Sausage Stuffed Zucchini
