Praying for Our New President


Hey friends!

2021, still comin at us wild! How are you feeling in this first month of the year? Are you excited, anxious, happy, sad? We are optimistic and taking in each day as it comes. We have a new President and Vice President as we write this, driver's license is an emotional moment on Tiktok, and people are trying to flip out of their hoodies! It's an exciting time and also a time that stirs up much curiosity. What will the next four years hold for our nation and our communities? How does everything in the world affect our own individual lives? What should we be doing? Let's talk about that!

Two things that Pastor Dre and Pastor Shawn talked about on the LIVE were praying for our leaders and purpose. As we watch our new leaders settle into their roles, will you join us in praying for them? Some of you might have been praying our old ones out. You may have shared some not so nice memes about them or might have been angered by their political views and life stances. We get it! It's been an anxiety-driven scroll down our insta timeline too! Sometimes we can feel somewhat disconnected by what's happening on our screens or because it seems so far from us. So what can we do? Pray. Pray that God would equip our leaders well, give them wisdom, and the desire to serve this country honestly and not for self. 

In this time, you might be asking yourself what else can you do besides prayer or what can someone my age do to make a difference. We can't give you the exacts, but what we can tell you to start at is praying for purpose. Ask God, "How do you want me to use my time?". Rather than becoming an overnight activist, a viral sensation, or pouring yourself completely into any other lane, first, ask which one you should be in. Let God lead you to your purpose that aligns with His plans so that everything you do would be blessed! Otherwise, things can get hard and out of hand. It's kinda like knowing you're being invited to a party, and you go all out to make the most luxurious cake that stands tall and gorgeous. It's great! It's pretty! But come to find out, it's a pizza party, and you should have been making that instead. If only you had asked! WHOA!! So ask God and let your efforts not be wasted! 


We are praying for you, our leaders, and your purpose! We pray that God would reveal himself clearly and boldly in your life as we venture through 2021 together in His plans. We love you!


Jesse and Marissa


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